
Monday, October 2, 2017

Looking back...

When you lose a lot of weight it's just hard to look back. It's hard to look at photos of when you were overweight and you remember how miserable you felt. It's hard to think that it could have been different if just... you knew better.

In 2004, just a few years after getting married and having my first child, I looked like this...

In 2010, six years later, after having my 4th child, I looked like this...

As you can see things weren't getting any better or prettier! LOL Some people would say that's the price you pay for having children, but I disagree. I know people who had children, 4 exactly and didn't look like that. My Mom is one I can think of! As well as other women who eat a plant based diet and didn't gain this amount of weight. I cannot blame genetics, I can only blame my food choices!

Here's me in 2013, after going wheat free and then Paleo.... both diets very high in animal protein and fat. Not very different from before... I mainly cut down on processed foods but I was still eating high animal protein and fat: eggs, meat, chicken, ricota, cheese, goat's milk.... yeah, veggies and fruits but a LOT of animal protein and fat. Every meal had eggs, cheese or meat and cheese.

Things changed when I ditched the cheese, the meat, the eggs, the fat and the animal protein. I can tell you I am not deficient in protein and I eat enough fats. Check out my instagram account to see the amount of plant protein and fats I get every day. But now I am healthy. I have energy. When I wake up in the morning I am no longer dreading my day, cranky and in a fog. I am rested and ready to jump out of bed and face the day! I actually stretch, do push ups and even a little dance sometimes! LOL

I lost weight but most important my life changed INSIDE and OUT.

And here's the latest update.

